All affiliated instructors, JKA members, individuals, affiliated clubs or any other person than JKA BAHRAIN CHAIRMAN cannot and are not allowed "AT ANY TIME" to speak on behalf of JKA Bahrain to media or sign any contract, have meetings, visit clubs or any JKA activity without written approval from JKA Bahrain Chairman. Any affiliated member, dojo, instructor, club or any individual failing to do so will have his/her JKA credentials revoked and automatically disqualified from JKA. Further legal action will be taken against such individual in the KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN court system.
Some Instructors are introducing themselves as JKA qualified instructors and have attempted to represent JKA in Bahrain. Please note that any instructor who is not listed in the "Instructors" page, is not officially affiliated in anyway with JKA Bahrain or JKA, even if they have obtained a qualifying diploma. If such individual issues a JKA certificate or local Dojo/school/center certificate with the JKA word written on it - JKA Bahrain will take all possible legal actions in the Kingdom of Bahrain court system against the host and the instructor, as well as, we will forward a report to JKA HQ to suspend the instructor’s degree and qualifications.
Please note that we don't represent Bahrain in any way. We represent JKA locally in Bahrain, and JKA internationally as the Bahrain branch.
JKA's Policy mandates that if you leave JKA at any time to join any other organization, federation, association or any non-JKA/WF group, your qualifications will be automatically cancelled.