3/12/2025 8:27:07 PM

Dojo Kun

Dojo Kun is recited at the conclusion of every karate training session, allowing the students to reflect upon the guiding principles of karate-do. Dojo Kun is usually chanted by one of the senior belts in the final line up.
At the end of each session, follow the sequence below:

  1. Seiza – ‘sit’ so that knees are aligned with the person on your right.
  2. Mokuso – ‘close your eyes and begin meditation’ – The objective is to allow students to focus and clear your mind and reflect what you have trained.
  3. Mokuso Yame – ‘meditation complete - open your eyes’
  4. DoJo Kun – All students must recite the following:

Seek Perfection of Character
(Jinkaku Kansei ni Tsutomeru Koto)
Be Faithful
(Makoto No Miichi~O Mamoru Koto)
(Doryoku No Seishin~O Yashinau Koto)
Respect Others
(Reigi~O Omonjiru Koto)
Refrain from Violent Behavior
(Kekki No Yu~O Imashimeru Koto)

Then the senior belt would face Sensei and chant the following:

  1. Mokuso Yame – ‘meditation complete - open your eyes’
  2. Shomanai Rei
  3. Sensei 'ne' Rei
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